Migrant ‘Street Hawkers’ Strugglling To Earn Livelihood In Telangana

Though street vending plays a vital role in assuring livelihood to a large underprivileged and marginalized section of the society, its contribution is seldom recognized by the city administration or urban planning agencies. Street vendor refers to a person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares, food items or merchandise of everyday use, or someone […]

Why Slums In Hyderabad Are Struggling With Hunger, Unable To Get Govt Relief Aid?

During the COVID-19 lockdown period many slums in Hyderabad are struggling with hunger and government welfare aid due to not having white ration cards to some residents and heavy corruption process in the public distribution system. Chotta Ram says he does not have a ration card and so when the Telangana government promised 12 kg […]