Why Telangana Muslims Need Support To Overcome Socio-Economic Despair?

Muslims in Telangana State do not face communal violence as much as in a few other States in India but, leaving Hyderabad, their socio-economic situation is extremely bad. Most of them lack in reasonable levels of education, own no houses and have no savings to venture into any business. A majority of them sell their […]

Water Scarcity Worst-Hit In ‘Slums’, Still Unable To Get Sufficient ‘Drinking Water’ In Hyderabad

Summer season came and gone but the water scarcity still dominates Hyderabad. The worst-case are slum-dwellers. The KCR government promised safe drinking water, Mission Bhageeratha but till time nothing happened, everything remained in promises only.  It’s 3 am at BS Maqtha, a densely populated slum in the heart of Hyderabad, just a stone’s throw away […]