The Plight Of Street Hawkers, Foothpath-Sellers And Small Vendors In Hyderabad

The post-pandemic situation is becoming horrible in terms of rehabilitation and steps to make them atma-nirbhar went in vain due to many factors in Hyderabad.  The street vendors  footpath sellers and hawkers are financially suffering and no help provided to them. For petty traders, who make a living by selling food items, vegetables, fruits, cheap […]

Tourism Industry ‘Needs Attention’ To Restore Crisis

While Covid-19 pandemic resulted in most sectors facing sizeable and immediate revenue loss, a few sectors including aviation, tourism and hospitality were badly affected by the pandemic. Though the Centre has announced some relief to the MSMEs, tourism and hospitality sector has virtually been kept aside though they happen to be one of the high […]

Why ‘Women Prisoners’ Treated Differently From Men In India Jails?

A gender-specific approach is not only more cost-effective but has a positive effect on reoffending rates. Women constitute a clear minority in the prison estate – not just in India, but all over the world. On a global scale, women constitute 6.9% of the total prison population. In India, it is 4.3%. As per the […]