Telangana’s Drought-Prone District Plagued By Ethanol Plant, Leaving Farmers In Deep Trouble

Farmers in Telangana’s Palamuru district are fearful of an ethanol plant being set up in the drought-prone region. The plant, which is being built by a private company, is expected to use a significant amount of water, which farmers fear will come at the expense of their crops. The plant is being built near the […]

About 50000 Workers Face Serious Health Issues In ‘Illegal E-Waste Companies’ In Hyderabad

A study by Toxics Link, an environmental research and advocacy non-profit identified 20 e-waste processing units in Hyderabad operating with impunity without safeguards. These hotspots house over 5,000 illegal e-waste processing units directly and indirectly, employing over 50,000 people. The sheer scale of the violation of environmental norms highlights the failure of the system, especially […]

Hyderabad On The Brink Of A Severe Sewage Management Crisis

Like many other critical environmental issues, the KCR government has also failed to tackle the enormous problem of sewage treatment in the state, exposing the urban and rural populations to grave health risks. The measures taken by the state government have proved to be grossly inadequate and huge volumes of untreated industrial and municipal waste […]

Deadly Consequenses Ahead As India’s 2-Million-Tonne ‘E-Waste Recycling’ Works

India generates more than two million tonnes of e-waste annually, and also imports undisclosed amounts of e-waste from other countries from around the world – including Australia. The world produces 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) per year, according to a recent UN report, but only 20% is formally recycled. Much of […]