Despite the state governments evaluations and statements on deadly #CoronaVirus community transmission, the attack is already kicked off in Telugu States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. While Union health secretary Luv Agarwal has been saying every day that there was no community transmission of Covid-19 in the country, Telangana government’s bulletin too has bene saying […]
Tag: pandemic
Humanitarian Disaster Takes Over Pandemic In India
At the end of the day it is about humanity. Virus, or earthquakes, or drought, or floods, or wars, or hate crime, lynchings, targeted attacks on people. And whether it starts from the rich as this Pandemic has, or from the poor at the bottom end of all health and social sector care, it always […]
‘Smart-Locking’ In Telangana Has Political Will, Resources For Shut Down To Combat ‘Coronavirus’ Spread
Currently, the cases and clusters in Telangana are simple spreaders which means an infected person with normal infectivity. But COVID 19 can also have a “super spreader”, which means an infected person with high infectivity who can infect hundreds in no time. Currently, Telangana has entered Stage 2 of the COVID 19 epidemic, but can […]