Telangana Stares Level-3 #Covid Spread Wave From Return Of Migrants

Initially, it was foreign returnees, then came the second wave with the return of attendees of the Tablighi Jamaat congregation in Delhi and now with the arrival of thousands of migrants, Telangana stares at the third wave of Covid-19 infections. With at least 35 migrants testing positive for Covid-19 during the last five days, the […]

Women ‘Migrants’ and ‘Social Remittances’ – The Case of ‘Barkas’ in Hyderabad

An ethnographic study of the women migrants in Barkas, an old Arabian neighbourhood in Hyderabad, shows that women migrants over the years have moved from being the so-called dependant migrants to noteworthy contributors to the development of links between the sending and the receiving nations. Making a departure from the earlier studies of diasporas, this […]