Migrant ‘Street Hawkers’ Strugglling To Earn Livelihood In Telangana

Though street vending plays a vital role in assuring livelihood to a large underprivileged and marginalized section of the society, its contribution is seldom recognized by the city administration or urban planning agencies. Street vendor refers to a person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares, food items or merchandise of everyday use, or someone […]

Post Lockdown Worsened The ‘Plight’ Of ‘Brick Kiln Workers’ In Telangana

As one leaves behind the bustling city of Hyderabad in the midst of the lockdown and heads towards Ismailkhanpet in Sangareddy, going past the massive Hanuman statue that oversees the town, one cannot miss the expanse of brick kilns on either side of the road. Barely a tree stands on the route to take cover […]

Why Migrant Workers Starve In Lockdown As States Sit On Huge Relief Funds Collected?

The extension of India’s national lockdown till May 4 has revived concerns that the country’s migrant workers, many of whom work in the unorganised construction sector, are being pushed to the brink of destitution. A recent survey of more than 3,000 migrant construction workers conducted by Jan Sahas, an NGO, found the lockdown had robbed […]