The Intricate Dance Of Politics And Power During A Pandemice

Every crisis, man-made or natural, is pregnant with political possibilities and politicians will take policy decisions based on their assessment of how their choices promote their political and personal power. A commonplace adage of the post-Cold War era of globalisation used to be that while ‘all economics is global, all politics is local’. The implication […]

Can Coronavirus Live On Shoes And Be Brought Into Our Homes?

Even as we learn more each day about the COVID-19 pandemic, new questions arise about how coronavirus can affect every aspect of our lives. These concerns include how to wash and disinfect clothing and how to wash our hands. However, shoes are a growing area of concern because they are points of contact in crowded […]

Medical Research Confirms ‘Anabolic Steroids’ Can Lead To ‘Male Infertility’

Doctors have warned against the use of Anabolic steroids as it can lead to male infertility espcially amongst athletes. Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone that are commonyly used by body builders and weight lifters in gyms to gain muscle mass. Doctors say that it is sad to note that […]

‘Sanitiser Obsession’ In Hyderabadi People Keeps Immunity At Stake?

Germaphobe or not, carrying a hand sanitiser wherever we go has become a norm. This habit which slowly turns into an obsession, so much so, it defeats the whole point of keeping ourselves away from any disease making us more vulnerable. While getting rid of bad bacteria and germs that usually feast on our skin […]

Why Life-Saving Medicine ‘Aspirin’ Is Termed Unsafe For Healthy Older People?

Many heart associations revise guidelines, urging the healthy elderly to stay away from Aspirin — a blood thinner used to prevent heart attack. In this context, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association have issued new guidelines on the use of Aspirin — the well-established therapy for the prevention of heart attack […]