Rich Muslims, especially the Indian expatriates have donated approximately over Rs 1000 crore in the last decade. The administrator of one well-known charitable institution, in a recently published interview, has confirmed receiving Zakat of nearly Rs 500 crore which was spent on education of poor Muslims. There are innumerable institutions who have been collecting crores […]
Tag: mafia
Deadly ‘Protection Money Mafia’ Is On Prowl In Hyderabad
The Protection money mafia or ‘Mamool mafia’ or ‘Hafta Vasool mafia’, operating around Hyderabad is back, almost immediately after the street side hawkers returned for business. The local Goons and pahelwans are back to extorting ‘mamools’ or protection money from hawkers while the shop-keepers too step in to imposing and collecting a little ‘fee’ for allowing […]