‍‍Many Old City Private Schools ‘Forced To Shut Down’, Jobless Teachers Starving In Hyderabad

Many private schools in old city areas of Hyderabad are shutti g down due to Covid scare and government restrictions. They are not getting proper fees to maintain the schools and pay to teaching staff.  This in turn, has put the future of teachers, school owners and children into jeopardy. Many teachers lost jobs and […]

Migrant ‘Street Hawkers’ Strugglling To Earn Livelihood In Telangana

Though street vending plays a vital role in assuring livelihood to a large underprivileged and marginalized section of the society, its contribution is seldom recognized by the city administration or urban planning agencies. Street vendor refers to a person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares, food items or merchandise of everyday use, or someone […]