Why Covid Pandemic Leads To More Child Marriages In India?

The pandemic has caused a lot of unexpected damage to various aspects of human life. According to a UN report published in April, the Covid-19 pandemic could lead to an extra 13 million child marriages over the next decade. Other estimates suggest that four million girls are at risk of child marriage in the next […]

Why Always ‘Tampered Evidences’ And ‘Delayed Forensic Reports’ Leading Toward Rape Convictions?

The delayed forensic reports and tampered evidences in rape convictions are common procedure in Indian investigations. How do rapes get investigated in our country? Is there a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for collecting evidence? Where does it all begin to unravel? These questions are always gives us pain to think. Every time a gruesome rape […]

Why Life-Saving Medicine ‘Aspirin’ Is Termed Unsafe For Healthy Older People?

Many heart associations revise guidelines, urging the healthy elderly to stay away from Aspirin — a blood thinner used to prevent heart attack. In this context, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association have issued new guidelines on the use of Aspirin — the well-established therapy for the prevention of heart attack […]