‍‍One Lakh Crore Wakf Properties Fiasco Exposed  In SC From Telangana Waqf Board

Muslims came down heavily on the Telangana State Waqf Board for failing to defend the Waqf property worth over one lakh crore rupees in the Supreme Court. In a major setback to the Telangana Waqf Board, the Apex court upheld that, “Land dedicated to religious and pious purpose is not immune from being vested in […]

‍‍‍Covid ‘Helplines’ Fiasco In Telangana – Out Of 59 Helplines Only 17 Responded

The true face of functioning the government run helplines in Telangana exposed in an affidavit provided to the court recently. People attempting to reach out to government agencies or the state health department seeking help for information on Covid-19 or assistance in similar situations are getting no response if they are using helpline phone numbers […]