About 50000 Workers Face Serious Health Issues In ‘Illegal E-Waste Companies’ In Hyderabad

A study by Toxics Link, an environmental research and advocacy non-profit identified 20 e-waste processing units in Hyderabad operating with impunity without safeguards. These hotspots house over 5,000 illegal e-waste processing units directly and indirectly, employing over 50,000 people. The sheer scale of the violation of environmental norms highlights the failure of the system, especially […]

Deadly Consequenses Ahead As India’s 2-Million-Tonne ‘E-Waste Recycling’ Works

India generates more than two million tonnes of e-waste annually, and also imports undisclosed amounts of e-waste from other countries from around the world – including Australia. The world produces 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) per year, according to a recent UN report, but only 20% is formally recycled. Much of […]