The Real Story Behind ‘Hyderabad Liberation Day’ On 17 September

At 5 p.m. on 17 September the Nizam’s army surrendered. India then incorporated the state of Hyderabad into the Union of India and ended the rule of the Nizam’s. September 17 will mark seventy years since the state of Hyderabad ruled by the Nizam surrendered to Indian forces. September 17 marks seventy years of Hyderabad’s […]

#Opinion: What Hindus To Learn From Muslims In India?

Hindus must view electoral politics, not through the prism of political partisanship but our shared identity. #IndiaWants to see the future India as a secular, democratic and open country. In the famous V for Vendetta comic, which eventually was made into a movie, Alex Moore made a profound statement: “People shouldn’t be afraid of their […]