Poor Hyderabad Residents ‘Without Ration Cards’ Fear ‘Hungry Days’ Ahead

Many people in Hyderabad are started starving due to non-availability of ration and food in remote areas. Several families, residing as migrant workers or poor without ration cards and a section of lower middle class people applied for ration card and not yet received since years are facing hunger during this lockdown period. As a […]

An Ordeal Of ‘Hungry’, Stranded Migrant ‘Construction Workers’ In Hyderabad

Over 2,000 migrants from Srikakulam district work as daily wage labourers in the booming construction industry of Hyderabad narrates the ordeal of sorrow and hunger. No government or public representatives reached yet to feed them properly. “Our bags had already been packed by evening of April 13 in the hope of catching the earliest bus […]

Millers Cheated Farmers Over Depreciation In Crop Weighing In Telangana

Paddy farmers in Telangana are up in arms against rice millers who are allegedly cheating them by depreciating the weight of their crop. Farmers are urging authorities to intervene in order to prevent rice millers from allegedly trying to tamper with paddy weights in various parts of the state. On Thursday, several farmers in Thangalapalli […]

Hyderabad Sex Workers ‘Starving’ In Lockdown Without Income

Hyderabad waits with bated breath for May 7 —the day the extended lockdown is supposed to end. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the subsequent nation-wide lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of the virus, has brought in its wake economic upheaval and financial predicaments. For one of the most marginalized communities, that already lives on the […]

Neglected Frontline #Covid Health Workers Need Safety Gear In Telangana

In Telangana, the worst-affected state, nurses, sanitation workers and community health workers say they do not have adequate protection from virus exposure. Fifty-one year old Daisy Rani works as a nurse at Niloufer Hospital, one of the main quarantine hospitals in Hyderabad for admitting and treating Covid-19 patients. Five doctors working here were sent into […]

#Covid Nurses Boycott Duties In Hyderabad’s Gandhi Hospital Demanding Salary And Regularisation

About 200 outsourced nurses working at Gandhi Hospital are boycotting duties demanding regularisation for nurses who have been working with the hospital for more than 15 years. The nurses say that though this is not the right time to boycott duties, they were left with no choice because representations to the hospital authorities did not […]

Why Lathi-Wielding RSS Men ‘Checking Vehicles’ In Telangana?

The big question during lockdown arises why RSS men interfering the government duties. And why the government is become speechless on this act. Several questions boggling the minds and no proper clarification came out yet. Many photographs of lathi-wielding activists belonging to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) manning a check post in Telangana sparked outrage […]

#Covid Doctors Working Inside Isolation Wards Reveals ‘Exhaustion’ In Hyderabad

A peek into the long shifts pulled by doctors living inside the isolation facility reveals the exhaustion, fears and heroism of healthcare workers across the country as they struggle to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. If the world had not been in the throes of a pandemic, Dr. S Nagarjuna would have been married to his […]

Mango Farmers Facing Tough ‘Marketing’ Challenge On ‘Lockdown’ Crop In Telangana

Mango yield has been low so far and due to lockdown, the king of fruits which may head towards Fruit market in Hyderabad where a sudden spike in supply and low demand could lead to more problems. It’s that time of the year when mangoes are high in demand. Mangoes from across Telangana are going […]

Sudden Shortage Of ‘Hydroxycholoroquine’ Forcing Doctors To Make ‘Tough Choices’ In Telangana

Many doctors in Telangana said that they currently have no choice but to give priority to rheumatoid arthritis and lupus patients who need the medicine the most. For the past couple of weeks, Srinivasulu, a 50-year-old school teacher in Jagtial district, has been trying desperately to find tablets of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the anti-malaria drug that […]