Why ‘Food-Animal’ Production Is Dangerous With ‘Colistin’ Drug In India?

Action against the drug, used as a growth promoter in food animals, is imperative to curb antimicrobial resistance in humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released AWaRe, an online tool aimed to ensure safer antibiotic use and reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a global public health threat. As part of this, colistin has been marked […]

Is Your ‘Office Job’ Destroying Your Health And Fitness?

The stress, long hours, and sedentary nature of your modern office job are sucking the life out of you – literally. And it’s not just the tight deadlines, stress-eaten doughnuts, and sneezing coworkers that are doing you in. Even your keyboard can be out to get you. From the printer to your supervisor, the dangers […]

Revolutionary ‘Gene Editing’ With A Blood Test For Treating Thalassaemia In Hyderabad

Varun Reddy, in faded blue denims, a jacket and brown sports shoes, sits patiently at the edge of bed number 1 in the second-floor ward of Hyderabad’s Apollo Hospital’s Thalassemia Centre, texting on his phone. He has a scrawny physique, bright eyes, a well-groomed beard and hair that is neatly pulled back with gel. At […]

Deadly Consequenses Ahead As India’s 2-Million-Tonne ‘E-Waste Recycling’ Works

India generates more than two million tonnes of e-waste annually, and also imports undisclosed amounts of e-waste from other countries from around the world – including Australia. The world produces 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) per year, according to a recent UN report, but only 20% is formally recycled. Much of […]