Renowned Telugu poet and activist Varavara Rao, accused in the Bhima-Koregaon case, was shifted to JJ Hospital for tests due to his ailing health. The move comes after reports of Rao’s deteriorating condition in Taloja jail, Navi Mumbai were met with massive outrage on social media by concerned citizens, activists and his family members. The […]
Category: #RealityCheck
‘Covid Patients’ Forced To Share Isolation Ward With ‘Dead Patient Bodies’ At Osmania Hospital In Hyderabad
This is the bizzare and shocking incident, which is untolerable at government run Osmania General Hospital (OGH) in Hyderabad, where Covid patients designated Covid Isolation Ward has become a point of sheer negligence and apathy of authorities. Here, in Osmania General Hospital, 20 patients had to share space with two bodies for over seven hours […]
Why ‘Contradictory Statements’ Over ‘Mosque Demolition’ By TRS Spokespersons And KCR?
The contradictory statements from the Telangana chief minister’s office and the TRS leaders over the demolition of two mosques and a temple within the premises of old secretariat complex have landed CM KCR in an embarrassing position. Especially with regard to the demolition of mosques, there was a strong protest from the Muslim groups, which […]
Urdu Poetry ‘Fading Into Oblivion’ In Hyderabad
Bookshops that used to sell Urdu fiction and poetry in Old city’s Gulzar Houz area in Hyderabad have given way to garment shops and eateries, owners say business has taken a severe hit. Dressed in a spotless white kurta-pajama, Nizamuddin, 57, is a picture of despair as he dusts a few books and arranges them […]
Is Nizam’s ‘Treasure’ Found Under Telangana Old Secretariat Building Debris?
The demolition of Telangana secretariat buildings had been taken up suddenly and swiftly, till the high court stalled the works on technical grounds. But the entire demolition exercise has been kept a completely non-transparent affair. All the roads in and around the secretariat complex have been sealed and traffic has been diverted. Not a single […]
Don’t Get Fooled By Corporate On ‘High CTC’ Package Offer To New Employees
It was campus placement month, and although everyone declared that they wanted to do quality work once they were placed, they also harbored a secret desire to get placed at the highest salary. When we used to look at our pocket money and compare it with the salary “package” offered by companies, we used to […]
How To Avoid Covid Scare In Diabetics?
Diabetic patients might have a higher risk of severe infection, but there are ways to bring down the odds. Here’s some. We have all been repeatedly told that the elderly, particularly those above 60, and those with pre-existing illnesses like cardio-vascular diseases or “co-morbitities” are more vulnerable to serious COVID-19 infections. India currently ranks fourth […]
As Uncertainty Looms On Education, ‘Child Marriages’ On Rise In Telangana
Recently, Medchal district officials in Telangana received a distress call about a minor girl who was coerced into marrying a man aged around 30. The officials promptly stopped the illegal wedding, and after counselling, the girl was sent to a shelter. This is one of the over 200 cases of child marriage being stopped by […]
Why KCR Govt Adopted Covid ‘Manipulative Politics’ In Telangana?
Telangana is already among the worst COVID-hit states in the country but it now appears that it could be in a far more precarious position. There is a visible discrepancy in the number of positive cases that two arms of the state government have been putting out, raising suspicions that the state government may be […]
Two ‘Dying Covid Patients’ Videos Trigger ‘Row’ Over Govt. Chest Hospital In Hyderabad
The sheer negligence by doctors and medical support staff along with patient anxiety kills two lives in prestigious Government Chest Hospital in Hyderabad. As the matter get complicated with two videos within a week. And hours after 36-year-old Syed Ahmed recorded a video from the COVID-19 ward of Hyderabad’s Government Chest Hospital, alleging lack of […]