‍‍One Lakh Crore Wakf Properties Fiasco Exposed  In SC From Telangana Waqf Board

Muslims came down heavily on the Telangana State Waqf Board for failing to defend the Waqf property worth over one lakh crore rupees in the Supreme Court. In a major setback to the Telangana Waqf Board, the Apex court upheld that, “Land dedicated to religious and pious purpose is not immune from being vested in […]

‍Is Urdu Education On ‘Death-Bed’ In Hyderabad?

Classrooms without roof, dusty carpets to sit, single room for three classes, no latrines, no drinking water- these are the conditions in which Muslim children of Telangana study in Government-managed Urdu schools of Hyderabad. According to the Directoroate of School Education data, a total of 2,14,605 Muslim students study in various Central, State, Mandal Parishad, […]

‍‍Why ‍‍State Govt Under Wrapping The Actual Covid Cases In Telangana?

Despite heavy surge in Covid cases in Telangana, the state government is under wrapping the actual numbers received from district health officials fearing of positivity rate forces government to impose public restrictions. Telangana, it appears, has found a way to keep the rampaging third wave of Covid-19 in the state – driven by the highly […]

‍‍Quack Treatment And Self-Medications Making ‍‍‍Covid Patients ‘Careless’ In Hyderabad

Covid third wave is already infected many and people of Hyderabad are not going to hospitals even after testing positive and undergoing self medications or visiting quackers. Although the government has urged the public not to self-medicate, citizens are not approaching doctors and are rushing to drug stores to buy medicines for self-treatment. People are […]

‍Why ‍‍Omicron Caution Thrown To Wind In Hyderabad?

Despite the Omicron variant scare and alertness of the health authorities, widespread adherence to Covid safety protocols in the older parts of the city seems to be missing. A visit to different areas within the erstwhile ‘Walled City’ points out how casually the citizens have been taking the directives of the administration on the Covid-19 […]

‍‍‍‍Fake ‘Covid Vax Certificate’ Gang Exposed In Hyderabad

The Covid  vaccination and obtaining the online certificate now slipping in the hands of fraudsters who are cheating gullible people and selling the certificate without administering the vaccine jabs and issuing the certificate illegally through CoWin portal. This information is the tip of the iceberg. Amid the possibility of the third wave of COVID-19, all […]

Are ‘Anees-Ul-Ghurba Orphanage’ Inmates Trafficked In Hyderabad?

The 100-year old Anees-ul-Ghurba, the oldest orphanage in Hyderabad is under the control of wrong people and corrupt authorities. Recently, when the authorities’ failure to provide details on a RTI query about the inmates, activists have raised a pitch. In the era of Nizam’s rule of erstwhile Hyderabad State, constituted the orphanage under the government […]

‍‍Why Private School Teacher ‘Stripped’ Dalit Girl Student During Exams In Hyderabad?

In a shocking incident a scheduled tribe (dalit) girl student of a renowned private school was stripped during the examination by a invigilating teacher on the tip of copying from mobile phone. This incident came late into limelight as victim and her mother seek justice for the heinous crime. The incident occurred in September, where […]

‍‍Hyderabad’s ‍Petlaburj Maternity Hospital – A Den For Corrupt Staff

Corruption is rampant in all government hospitals in Hyderabad where they squeeze the gullible patients, and their attendants with a heavy price.Bribe giving has become a new normal in government hospitals. It’s almost impossible to get treatment without paying bribes. In the wake of the Niloufer Hospital incident, there are many complaints being received in […]

‍’No Sufficient ‘Money’ For Hardworking At Swiggy Or Zomato Delivery’

“This job is not enough. I cannot afford to work full time, so my earnings from food delivery is not enough. Especially with these rains, I have had fever twice in the last two weeks,” says Rahul, 19 year old delivery partner with Swiggy in Hyderabad. “Not only have the rains taken a toll on […]