Are Schools In Hyderabad Prepared To Tackle An ‘Asthma’ Emergency?

This World Asthma Day, we talk about the public health threat asthma poses especially among school children, and importance of training school management and faculties in tackling any emergencies. A Pulmonologist and the Founder of Human Lung Foundation in Hyderabad, witnessing a steady rise in respiratory illnesses among people in the city. Based on the […]

To Combat With ‘Seasonal Sniffles’ Add ‘Immunity Boosters’ To Your Diet

Wellness experts of #KhabarLive list out the foods that’ll promote your immunity and help you fight the allergies that come with the change in season. Like your wardrobe and makeup kit need updates to combat the heat, so does your diet—along with your skin, weather changes affect your appetite, fitness levels and overall health as […]

In Telangana, Private Medical Colleges Asks Students To Pay Complete Upfront Fees For Education

Students of private medical colleges in Telangana have raised allegations that the institutions are asking for bank guarantees and extra fees prior to admission. According to complaints by students and their parents, private colleges are asking students to pay course fees for at least three years, prior to entering their first year of MBBS. Students […]

‘Sanitiser Obsession’ In Hyderabadi People Keeps Immunity At Stake?

Germaphobe or not, carrying a hand sanitiser wherever we go has become a norm. This habit which slowly turns into an obsession, so much so, it defeats the whole point of keeping ourselves away from any disease making us more vulnerable. While getting rid of bad bacteria and germs that usually feast on our skin […]

How Hyderabad Medical Colleges Awarding MBBS Degrees Without Mandatory ‘House Surgeon Training’?

Allegations have emerged that interns are being transferred to Osmania and Gandhi hospitals in Hyderabad for their last year of MBBS and are getting degrees without undergoing the compulsory hands-on ‘house surgeon’ training. Several complaints have been raised against the administrators of Gandhi Hospital and Osmania Hospital in Hyderabad, regarding ‘illegal’ transfers of interns to […]

Why Life-Saving Medicine ‘Aspirin’ Is Termed Unsafe For Healthy Older People?

Many heart associations revise guidelines, urging the healthy elderly to stay away from Aspirin — a blood thinner used to prevent heart attack. In this context, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association have issued new guidelines on the use of Aspirin — the well-established therapy for the prevention of heart attack […]