Corona Killed More Than One Lakh in Telangana During 2020, MeeSeva RTI Reveal

The RTI Reveal the real face of the Telangana government on covid deaths counting the data. This reveal by a MeeSeva RTI as the entire data source to the governmental bodies. A RTI reply from citizen helpline MeeSeva suggests potential Covid death undercounting in Telangana. State doesn’t call it a Covid death if patient has […]

‘Corona Virus’ Bounced Back In Telangana As ‘Third Wave’

As per the medical experts and Telangana government,  the Corona Virus cases are rising in the state. The third wave knocks the doors of Telangana people and they are rushing to hospitals, where admissions are getting increase day by day. The number of Corona patients admitted to hospitals in the State is increasing. According to […]

‍‍‍‍‍‍Why ‘Long Covid’ With ‍Brain Fog, Chronic Pain And Fatigue Are More Common In Hyderabadi Women?

Presently, we are in less afraid about Covid scare as the lockdown ends, restrictions relaxed and normal life restored. But the fear of long term Covid is still hanging on head in many people, especially women who are becoming a soft target to this disease. When 30-year-old Shilpa Rao, a Tollywood makeup artist in Hyderabad, […]

‍Dont ‘Drinking Water’ Too Much, Could Trigger Serious Health Hazards

Excessive drinking of water is not good for health. “It not only leads to excess pee but also glowing skin,” stated doctors. In a study, it was found that unnecessary excess water drinking would lead to low blood sodium and various other complications. “If excess drinking water consumed for prolonged periods, it would lead to […]

‍Why Many ‘Covid Recovered Patients’ Re-Admitting At Various Hospitals In Hyderabad?

As a sudden spurt in recovered Covid patients returning with severe ailments to hospitals in Hyderabad is the major concern for doctors. Although there has been a dip in the number of Covid-19 cases across the state, an increase in the number of patients returning to hospitals post recovery is now a matter of deep […]

‍Surge Of ‍’Multi-Morbidity’ Cases Baffles Doctors In Hyderabad

‍After Black Fungus, the surge of multi-morbidity cases makes worry to doctors in Hyderabad.  Adding to the Covid-19 spread, seasonal diseases are joining the virus, leading to increase in multi-morbidity cases in Hyderabad. A combination of typhoid and Corona is taking the first place in such cases. Says Dr Shoba, RMO, Gandhi Hospital: “In my […]

‍8 Covid Patients Die As ‘Excess ‍‍Oxygen Pressure’ In TIMS, Deaths Kept Inder Wrap

At least eight patients, all in one row of beds in an intensive care unit at the Telangana Institute of Medical Sciences (TIMS), died after a fall in pressure in the oxygen lines. There was just one lucky patient in the same row who survived in the ICU on the second floor of TIMS, thanks […]

‍‍Hundreds Of Ventilators Are Lying Unattended In Hyderabad Hospitals

Many ventilators provided by the PM Cares fund need small repairs but as the government hospital lack staff and technicians ventilators and other medical supplies not being able to be put to use and eventually turning waste. Lack of staff and technicians in several government hospitals in Telangana is creating a serious situation of stocked […]

‍’Telangana Covid Situation Is Getting Worse, Impose Lockdown Immediately’

Why Telangana government is playing with lives of citizens as the Covid situation is getting worse day by day. Several doctors, leaders, social activists and citizens are requested to impose lockdown immediately. Doctors associations and citizens alike in Telangana long for a lockdown, though the state Chief Secretary declared that “there is no need for […]

Hundreds Of Covid Patients ‘Dying At Homes’ Due To High Cost Treatment And Funeral Chaos In Hyderabad

The covid deaths are showing horrible situation in Hyderabad. All burial grounds, crematoriums,  cemeteries are kept corpses on 2-3 days waiting list. Those who help cremate bodies say besides a lack of beds, steep hospital bills, and ambulance costs are forcing many COVID patients to prefer home treatment. Zulaiqa Begum, a 50-year-old resident of Zeba […]