Why ‘Food-Animal’ Production Is Dangerous With ‘Colistin’ Drug In India?

Action against the drug, used as a growth promoter in food animals, is imperative to curb antimicrobial resistance in humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released AWaRe, an online tool aimed to ensure safer antibiotic use and reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a global public health threat. As part of this, colistin has been marked […]

Why To Emulate ‘Public-Private Partnership’ For ‘108 Medical Emergency Services’ In Telangana?

The Telangana government, according to media reports, has decided to invite tenders to identify the service provider for operation and maintenance of 108 Emergency Responsive Services in the State. A committee has been constituted for preparation of RFP, floating tenders, finalisation of service provider and transition of services, among others. When the then united Andhra […]

Do You Know The ‘Danger’ Of Turning On The Car A/C Upon Starting?

Many people turn on the car A/C when they sit, even without thinking. But, did you know that this can be really dangerous for you and everyone around you? This is because whenever we leave our cars outside, we close the windows. Whenever we leave it in the shade, it accumulates 400-800 mg of benzene. […]

Is Your ‘Office Job’ Destroying Your Health And Fitness?

The stress, long hours, and sedentary nature of your modern office job are sucking the life out of you – literally. And it’s not just the tight deadlines, stress-eaten doughnuts, and sneezing coworkers that are doing you in. Even your keyboard can be out to get you. From the printer to your supervisor, the dangers […]

India’s Drug Problem And The Rising Health Care Cost

What if I told you there was a way to reduce household out of pocket expenditure by about 70% and catastrophic expenditure by 60-70% through merely an improvement in operational efficiency? India has made tremendous strides in life expectancy, maternal and infant mortality rates and HIV prevalence. However, we are now battling with both infectious […]

Filthy Water, Unbearable Stench And Dumpyard Plagues Residents Of Peerancheruvu In Hyderabad

A pungent smell hangs in the air at Peerancheruvu on the outskirts of Hyderabad as one passes through a massive dumpyard. The stench is so strong that many need to cover their nose and mouths as they walk past. This is the situation for hundreds of locals who reside here. When authorities allegedly burn the […]

Why ‘Palliative Care’ Is ‘Not Getting Attention’ In Hyderabad Hospitals?

Palliative care is a holistic treatment, not just medical diagnosis. We deal with their socio-economic issues and their families, who are badly affected and in shambles. In the case of cancer, they lose all their money on the treatment and in many cases family members quit jobs and/or drop out of school to take care […]

Are Schools In Hyderabad Prepared To Tackle An ‘Asthma’ Emergency?

This World Asthma Day, we talk about the public health threat asthma poses especially among school children, and importance of training school management and faculties in tackling any emergencies. A Pulmonologist and the Founder of Human Lung Foundation in Hyderabad, witnessing a steady rise in respiratory illnesses among people in the city. Based on the […]

To Combat With ‘Seasonal Sniffles’ Add ‘Immunity Boosters’ To Your Diet

Wellness experts of #KhabarLive list out the foods that’ll promote your immunity and help you fight the allergies that come with the change in season. Like your wardrobe and makeup kit need updates to combat the heat, so does your diet—along with your skin, weather changes affect your appetite, fitness levels and overall health as […]

‘Sanitiser Obsession’ In Hyderabadi People Keeps Immunity At Stake?

Germaphobe or not, carrying a hand sanitiser wherever we go has become a norm. This habit which slowly turns into an obsession, so much so, it defeats the whole point of keeping ourselves away from any disease making us more vulnerable. While getting rid of bad bacteria and germs that usually feast on our skin […]