In a major goof-up and sheer negligence, authorities at state-run Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad handed over the body of a man who died of Covid-19 to another family which performed the last rites. The incident came to light lately a day after relatives of a 37-year-old man, who had succumbed at the hospital, found that […]
Category: #Hyderabad
Despite Govt Earmarking ‘Graveyard Spaces For Covid Victims’, Stigma Remains In Hyderabad
A combination of stigma and fear has meant that this secluded graveyard, devoid of even a proper boundary wall, has ended up being the final resting place of a number of Covid-19 victims in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana. The Faqeer Mullah Kabristan in Balapur, a Hyderabad suburb, has so far been the final […]
Is Hyderabad’s ‘Rising Covid Bubble’ Ready To Burst?
The KCR govt is not allowing private labs to conduct tests. The state itself only tests symptomatic patients, creating much concern about the Covid situation in Telangana. As an instance of troublesome experiences, one, Suchita Kodati, a resident of Hyderabad, has been stressed since her parents, Prabhakar Rao and Rama Rao, returned from the US […]
Post Lockdown, Foodies Are Vying For ‘Take Away’ Food In Hyderabad
In post Lockdown scenario, Hyderabad’s food industry is going through a serious rearrangement, mostly focussing on safety measures. For diners in the city, the choice is to either be like Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets or let the restaurant staff take charge. Taking your own cutlery to the restaurant might seem extreme […]
Why Govt Hospitals Crowded Out-Patient Areas Becoming ‘Covid Hotspots’ In Hyderabad?
There is a constant flurry of activity as one enters the Outpatient Block of the state-run Osmania General Hospital (OGH) in Hyderabad. Right at the end of a dimly-lit corridor near the entrance, doctors and nurses are seen moving in and out. ‘COVID-19’, a piece of paper stuck on the door declares. This is one […]
A Whopping Power Tarrif Of Telangana Electricity Bills Becomes ‘Lockdown Shocker’ For Hyderabad Residents
Have the power bills for the last three months given you a bolt from the blue yet? If it has, you are not alone. The TSSPDCL had earlier said that citizens could pay the bills generated in the corresponding months of the previous year owing to the Covid crisis. Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana […]
Telangana CM Office Sealed After Tested Positive To A Staffer For Covid-19
According to reliable sources, the person who tested positive was working as personal secretary to a senior bureaucrat in the Chief Minister’s Office in Hyderabad. An entire floor has been sealed off and sanitisation measures are underway at the Hyderabad Metro Rail Bhavan in the city’s Rasoolpura area after a staff member working in the […]
Will Physical Distancing Works On Cinema Halls Or Shootings In Film Industry?
One of the most people-intensive industries in India in modern times has been the one of movie making, where thousands are employed directly in various capacities. The nature of work involves close proximity with each other in the workspaces, be they film sets or outdoor locations. Hence, the movie factories across the country would be […]
Post Lockdown Worsened The ‘Plight’ Of ‘Brick Kiln Workers’ In Telangana
As one leaves behind the bustling city of Hyderabad in the midst of the lockdown and heads towards Ismailkhanpet in Sangareddy, going past the massive Hanuman statue that oversees the town, one cannot miss the expanse of brick kilns on either side of the road. Barely a tree stands on the route to take cover […]
Why KCR Left ‘Corona Control’ To ‘Gods’?
After nearly two and a half months of fight with Coronavirus pandemic by imposing lockdowns, the Telangana government led by chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao seems to have thrown up his hands and left it to the fate of the gods. In the initial days of lockdown, KCR used to say that the situation was […]