‍Severe Chaos Prevail At Covid Testing Centres In Hyderabad

In Hyderabad,  chaos prevail in all testing centres for covid in hospitals  diagnostic centres with huge corruption and favoritism conditions without test kits, and vaccines. Covid-19 patients here and elsewhere in Telangana continued to face chaotic conditions at several hospitals and testing centres, where thousands of people waited anxiously for their Rt-PCR test results. This, […]

‍Is ‘Home Isolation Waste’ Is The Reason Of Covid-19 Spread In Hyderabad?

The Covid victims’ waste in home isolation process is becoming an issue of fast Spread. Due to the lack of a special collection system, the victims are throwing the waste wherever they go and others who touch them unknowingly become infected with the virus. There are currently 39,154 positive cases across the state, of which […]

‍‍Is Telangana Healthcare System At The Edge Of Collapse?

Politicians can get away with politically appealing statements that border on diplomatic niceties. Babu are expected to go by the rule book and rightly so if they are talking about the public health infrastructure. This being the second wave of Coronavirus pandemic has brought to the fore unhealthy differences in the statements given by the […]

‍‍‍‍‍‍Why People Are Re-Infected With Covid New Variant Despite Taking Covaxin Jabs In Telangana?

There have been at least 15 cases of Covid-19 infection amongst fully vaccinated individuals in Telangana. The individuals had completed both doses of the vaccine and still contracted the virus. However, the infection stayed between mild to moderate levels among all the patients, senior health officials said. “As per our information, at least 15 such […]

Why Covid Positive Tribal Girl From Telangana Allegedly Forced To Isolate In Jowar Fields?

In an inhuman situation, a tribal girl spent two weeks isolating herself in a make-shift tent in her family’s jowar field in Telangana region. For 13 days, an intermediate student in Telangana’s Adilabad district was allegedly forced to isolate herself in a make-shift tent after she tested positive for the novel coronavirus. It is alleged […]

‍‍‍‍Is Historic ‘Charminar’ Monument In Danger?

Despite several warnings raised by ASI that seepage from the storm water drain could severely damage Hyderabad’s iconic structure and negligence  and govt apathy. The 430-year-old Charminar monument in Hyderabad is in crisis with full of cracks and has been a cause of concern. On the other hand, the Charminar has undergone repairs for six months but […]

‍Many Dishoused People With Mental Illness Living On The Brink

Beyond this silhouette, however, is an individual surviving in an alternate reality, with a sense of impending doom, largely oblivious to the present, and it to her. A speeding vehicle hits her and rambles on, leaving her injured in the corner, too weak to scream. Limping her way across to a somewhat safe location, she […]

‍‍Heritage Tagged 115-Year Old Telangana Assembly Building Portion Collapsed

A portion of the elevation of the Telangana Assembly building collapsed and fell0 into the premises. The 115-year old Assembly building is a heritage structure. Fortunately, no one was injured as the debris fell into the empty garden area in the vicinity of the Assembly in Hyderabad. According to security personnel who were on duty […]

‍‍Why Hospitals Using Middlemen To Recruit Volunteers For Covid-Vaccine Clinical Trials?

The demand for volunteers is high because more than half a dozen vaccines are at various trial stages and they are competing to finish the trial as early as possible. Hospitals are allegedly hiring middlemen and agents for arranging volunteers for clinical trials of Covid-19 vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies are roping in various hospitals for trials […]

‍‍Why International Space Station Riddled With ‘Bacteria’ Or Germs?

The International Space Station is inhabited with microbes – bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa – but that is actually a good thing. The International Space Station is ‘filled with germs’. The NASA study which found that some bacterial pathogens, including Actinobacteria – often associated with human skin – are thriving in the station, 248 miles above the […]