Posts by Ahssanuddin Haseeb:

A Story Of A ‘Locksmith’ In Old City Of Hyderabad

In his early 50s, Mohammed Saber Ahmed is a relaxed man, which is quite unusual for other craftsmen and artisans, who are anxious about their future and dwindling earnings. Ahmed, on the other hand, says he has no worries. “I am confident that my vocation will continue for another 15 years. People in the older […]

Drastic Dip In Indian Biodiversity Has Now Become A Big Risk

Environmental and FAO experts warns about the proportion of livestock breeds at risk of extinction is increasing and plant diversity in farmers’ fields is decreasing at a drastic low. India’s biodiversity — the variety of life at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels — is under severe threat, says The State of the World’s Biodiversity […]

Niloufer Hospital Duty Doctor Attacked By Patient Attendants After 10-Month Baby Dies From Malnutrition And Gastrointestinal Disease In Hyderabad

In another case of an attack on hospital staff, a post-graduate junior doctor at the Niloufer Hospital in Hyderabad was attacked by an infant’s relative after the 10-month-old passed away suffering from protein-energy malnutrition and acute gastroenteritis on Friday. The incident came to light after the police filed a case and the accused was taken […]