Pregnancy-Induced Erratic Lifestyle Caused 313 Maternal Deaths In Telangana

Erratic eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and increasing number of assisted reproductive procedures are pushing up cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), which has now become the top cause of maternal deaths in the state, surpassing post-partum haemorrhage (PPH).

As per latest records of the state health department, 313 maternal deaths were recorded in Telangana between April and October, 2019. PIH was found to be the leading cause of maternal deaths, 26%, during the period, while PPH caused 18% deaths and sepsis 14% of the 313 deaths. Anaemia, cardiac issues and hypertension caused a third of the deaths.

Explaining PIH, Dr Nabath Bandeli, gynaecologist and obstetrician, Mysha Clinics and Bloom Hospitals, said, “The blood pressure usually rises post-delivery and, if it crosses 160/ 110, it turns life threatening. PIH peaks in 48 hours and maximum occurrences (deaths) were seen within two weeks of delivery. PIH can cause multiple organ failure, fits (eclampsia) and tendencies to bleed.”

There are multiple reasons for increase in this phenomenon which are also linked with maternal deaths due to cardiac issues. Bad lifestyle and poor eating habits, family history and previous history of hypertension. “Another major factor contributing to increase in PIH is the fact that more and more couples resort to artificial reproductive techniques like IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) and IUI (intrauterine insemination).

In assisted pregnancies, the placentation is a little different than the normal placenta. Also obesity, diabetes, multiple pregnancies, advanced maternal age and hectic work schedules contribute to increase in PIH,” Dr Prabha Agarwal, obstetrician and gynaecologist, Medicover Hospitals, told #KhabarLive.

Meanwhile, postpartum haemorrhage is on the decline say experts due to better facilities and infrastructure available at hospitals. #KhabarLive